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Exploring 'True' Nullability in GraphQL

Exploring 'True' Nullability in GraphQL

by Benjie Gillam

One of GraphQL’s early decisions was to handle “partial failures”; this was a critical feature for Facebook - if one part of their backend infrastructure became degraded they wouldn’t want to just render an error page, instead they wanted to serve the user a page with as much working data as they could.

Null propagation

To accomplish this, if an error occured within a resolver, the resolver’s value would be replaced with a null, and an error would be added to the errors array in the response. However, what if that field was marked as non-null? To solve that apparent contradiction, GraphQL introduced the “error propagation” behavior (also known colloquially as “null bubbling”) - when a null (from an error or otherwise) occurs in a non-nullable position, the parent position (either a field or a list item) is made null and this behavior would repeat if the parent position was also non-nullable.

This solved the issue, and meant that GraphQL’s nullability promises were still honoured; but it wasn’t without complications.

Complication 1: partial failures

We want to be resilient to systems failing; but errors that occur in non-nullable positions cascade to surrounding parts of the query, making less and less data available to be rendered. This seems contrary to our “partial failures” aim, but it’s easy to solve - we just make sure that the positions where we expect errors to occur are nullable so that errors don’t propagate further. Clients now needed to ensure they handle any nulls that occur in these positions; but that seemed like a fair trade.

Complication 2: nullable epidemic

But, it turns out, almost any field in your GraphQL schema could raise an error

  • errors might not only be caused by backend services becoming unavailable or responding in unexpected ways; they can also be caused by simple programming errors in your business logic, data consistency errors (e.g. expecting a boolean but receiving a float), or any other cause.

Since we don’t want to “blow up” the entire response if any such issue occurred, we’ve moved to strongly encourage nullable usage throughout a schema, only adding the non-nullable ! marker to positions where we’re truly sure that field is extremely unlikely to error. This has the effect of meaning that developers consuming the GraphQL API have to handle null in more positions than they would expect, giving them a harder time.

Complication 3: normalized caching

Many modern GraphQL clients use a “normalized” cache, such that updates pulled down from the API in one query can automatically update all the previously rendered data across the application. This helps ensure consistency for users, and is a powerful feature.

But if an error occurs in a non-nullable position, it’s no longer safe to store the data to the normalized cache.

The Nullability Working Group

At first, we thought the solution to this was to give clients control over the nullability of a response, so we set up the Client-Controlled Nullability (CCN) Working Group. Later, we renamed the working group to the Nullability WG to show that it encompassed all potential solutions to this problem.

Client-controlled nullability

The first CCN WG proposal was that we could adorn the queries we issue to the server with sigils indicating our desired nullability overrides for the given fields - a ? would be added to fields where we don’t mind if they’re null, but we definitely want errors to stop there; and add a ! to fields where we definitely don’t want a null to occur. This would give consumers control over where errors/nulls were handled; but after much exploration of the topic over years we found numerous issues that traded one set of concerns for another.

We needed a better solution.

True nullability schema

Jordan Eldredge proposed that making fields nullable to handle error propagation was hiding the “true” nullability of the data. Instead, he suggested, we should have the schema represent the true nullability, and put the responsibility on clients to use the ? CCN operator to handle errors in the relevant places.

However, this would mean that clients such as Relay would want to add ? in every position, causing an “explosion” of question marks, because really what Relay desired was to disable null propagation entirely.

A new type

Getting the relevant experts together at GraphQLConf 2023 re-energized the discussions and sparked new ideas. After seeing Stephen Spalding’s “Nullability Sandwich” talk and chatting with Jordan, Stephen and others in amongst the seating, Benjie had an idea that felt right to him. He grabbed his laptop and sat quietly for an hour at one of the tables in the sponsors room and wrote up the spec edits to represent a “null only on error” type. This type would allow us to express the “true” nullability of a field whilst also indicating that errors may happen that should be handled, but would not “blow up” the response.

To maintain backwards compatibility, clients would need to opt in to seeing this new type (otherwise it would masquerade as nullable); and it would be their choice of how to handle the nullability of this position, knowing that the data would only contain a null there if a matching error existed in the errors list.

A number of alternative syntaxes were suggested for this, but none were well liked.

A new approach to client error handling

Also around the time of GraphQLConf 2023 the Relay team shared a presentation on some of the things they were thinking around errors. In particular they discussed the @catch directive which would give users control over how errors were represented in the data being rendered, allowing the client to differentiate an error from a legitimate null. Over the coming months, many behaviors were discussed at the Nullability WG; one particularly compelling one was that clients could throw the error when an errored field was read, and rely on framework mechanics (such as React’s error boundaries) to handle them.

A new mode

Lee proposed that we introduce a schema directive, @strictNullability, whereby we would change what the syntax meant - Int? for nullable, Int for null-only-on-error, and Int! for never-null. This proposal was well liked, but wasn’t a clear win, it introduced many complexities, not least migration costs.

A pivotal discussion

Lee and Benjie had a call where they discussed all of this in depth, including their two respective solutions, their pros and cons. It was clear that neither solution was quite there, but we were getting closer and closer to a solution. This long and detailed highly technical discussion inspired Benjie to write up a new proposal, which has been iterated further, and we aim to describe below.

Our latest proposal

We’re now proposing a new opt-in mode to solve the nullability problem. It’s important to note that clients and servers that don’t opt-in will be completely unaffected by this change (and a client may opt-in without a server opting-in, and vice-versa, without causing any issues - in these cases, traditional mode will be used).

No-error-propogation mode

The new proposal centers around the premise of allowing clients to disable the “error propagation” behavior discussed above.

Clients that opt-in to this behavior take responsibility for interpretting the response as a whole, correlating the data and errors properties of the response. With error propagation disabled and the fact that any field could potentially throw an error, all positions in data can potentially contain a null value. Clients in this mode must cross-check any null values against errors to determine if it’s a true null, or an error.

”Smart” clients

The no-error-propagation mode is intended for use by “smart” clients such as Relay, Apollo Client, URQL and others which understand GraphQL deeply and are responsible for the storage and retrieval of fetched GraphQL data. These clients are well positioned to handle the responsibilities outlined above.

By disabling error propagation, these clients will be able to safely update their stores (including normalized stores) even when errors occur. They can also re-implement traditional GraphQL error propagation on top of these new foundations, shielding applications developers from needing to learn this new behavior (whilst still allowing them to reap the benefits!). They can even take on advanced behaviors, such as throwing the error when the application developer attempts to read from an errored field, allowing the developer to handle errors with their own more natural error boundaries.

True nullability

Just like in traditional mode, for clients operating in no-error-propagation mode fields are either nullable or non-nullable. However; unlike in traditional mode, no-error-propagation mode allows for errors to be represented in any position:

  • nullable (e.g. Int): a value, an error, or a true null;
  • non-nullable (e.g. Int!): a value or an error.

(In traditional mode, non-nullable fields cannot represent an error because the error propagates to the nearest nullable position.)

Since this mode allows every field, whether nullable or non-nullable, to represent an error, the schema can safely indicate to clients in this mode the true intended nullability of a field. If the schema designer knows that a field should never be null unless an error occurs, they would mark the field as non-nullable (but only for clients in no-null-propagation mode; see “schema developers” below).

Client reflection of true nullability

Smart clients can ask the schema about the “true” nullability of each field via introspection, and can generate a derived SDL by combining that information with their knowledge of how the client handles errors. This derived SDL would look like the traditional representation of the schema, but with more fields represented as non-nullable where the true nullability of the underlying schema is reflected. Application developers would issue queries and mutations in the same way they always had, but now their generated types don’t need to handle null in as many positions as before, increasing developer happiness.

Schema developers

Schemas that wish to add support for indicating the “true nullability” of a field in no-error-propagation mode need to be able to discern which types show up as non-nullable in both modes (traditional non-null types), and which types show up as non-nullable only in no-error-propagation mode. For this later concern we’ve introduced the concept, of a “semantic” non-null type:

  • “strict” (traditional) non-nullable - shows up as non-nullable in both traditional mode and no-null-propagation mode
  • ”semantic” non-nullable, aka “null only on error” - shows up as non-nullable only in no-null-propagation mode; in traditional mode it will masquerade as nullable

Only clients that opt-in to seeing the true nullability will see this difference, otherwise the nullability of the chosen mode (traditional or no-error-propagation) will be reflected by introspection.

Representation in SDL

Application developers will only need to deal with traditional SDL that represents traditional nullability concerns. If these developers are using “smart” clients then they should get this SDL from the client rather than from the server, this allows them to see the nullability that the client guarantees based on how it will handle the “true” nullability of the schema, how it handles errors, and factoring in any local schema extensions that may have been added.

Client-derived SDL (see “client reflection of true nullability” above) can be used for concerns such as code generation, which will work in the traditional way with no need for changes (but happier developers since there will be fewer nullable positions!).

However, schema developers and people working on “smart” clients may need to represent the differences between “strict” and “semantic” non-nullable in SDL. For these people, we’re introducing the @extendedNullability document directive. When this directive is present at the top of a document, the ! symbol means that a type will appear as non-nullable only in no-null-propagation mode, and a new !! symbol will represent that a type will appear as non-nullable in both traditional and no-error-propagation mode.

Traditional ModeNo-null-propagation modeExample

The !! symbol is designed to look a little scary - it should be used with caution (like ! in traditional schemas) because it is the symbol that means that errors will propagate in traditional mode, “blowing up” parent selection sets.

Get involved

Like all GraphQL Working Groups, the Nullability Working Group is open to all. Whether you work on a GraphQL client or are just a GraphQL user with thoughts on nullability, we want to hear from you - add yourself to an upcoming working group or chat with us in the #nullability-wg channel in the GraphQL Discord. This solution is not yet merged into the specification, so there’s still time for iteration and alternative ideas!